# Creating Listing

In this section you will learn how to use our endpoints for creating a new listing for chosen NFT.

# Technical details:

  • {INSTANCE_URL} is URL of current instance without slash at the end and protocol. e.g. creators-hub-instance.com
  • {NFT_ID} is ID of an NFT, for which listing will be created.
  • {BIDDING_ENABLED} is describing if an order is listed as bidding.
  • {PRICE} if no bidding enabled, is describing the constant price of the listing.
  • {STARTING_PRICE} is describing the starting price for bidding in cents.
  • {CURRENCY} is describing the currency of a listing. Choices: "eur" - EURO, "usd" - DOLLAR .
  • {AMOUNT} is describing how many of this NFT will be listed

# How to create listing?

Use below endpoint in order to create new listing for an NFT.

POST https://{INSTANCE_URL}/api/public/nft/{NFT_ID}/listing

for bidding:

Payload (application/json)
    "nftId": 123,
    "biddingEnabled": true,
    "startingPrice": 300,
    "currency": "eur",
    "amount": 5,
    "price": 0

without bidding:

Payload (application/json)
    "nftId": 123,
    "biddingEnabled": false,
    "currency": "eur",
    "amount": 5,
    "price": 200