# Order API

Our Instance's API brings two secure, API Token protected endpoints which can:

  • get the details about the Orders.
  • create Orders within it, setting its status to paid, which will trigger the transfer of the NFT to the buyer.

In order to obtain API key go to Obtaining the API Token

Both endpoints accept the array of objects as the body.

The endpoints' URL is: https://{INSTANCE_URL}/api/externalOrders

# GET method

Read the details of the specified Orders. Here is the example of cURL request:

curl --location --request GET '{INSTANCE_URL}/api/externalOrders/{IDs_seperated_by_commas}' \
--header 'authorization: {API_TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw ''

Example of the proper URL construction:


Example of the proper response with 200 OK status:

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                        "createdAt": "2022-12-28T13:24:39.874Z",
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    "error": null

# Properties in GET request

  • orderId — Type string. IDs of the Orders in our Instance, seperated by commas. Each ID has to be a number. Working example: 1,2,5. Bad example: 1,2,a (because "a" is not a number).

You can also request only one order, like in this case:


If any of the provided IDs will not be a number, like here:


you will see 400 BAD REQUEST response:

    "orders": null,
    "error": "One or more IDs are not a number type. One of the example is 'a'. Check the URL."

If any of the provided IDs will be missing in our app, you will see 400 BAD REQUEST response pointing to that ID, like this:

    "orders": null,
    "error": "Order with ID {orderId} does not exist."

# POST method

Create Orders. Here is the example cURL request:

curl --location --request POST 'https://{INSTANCE_URL}/api/externalOrders' \
--header 'authorization: {API_TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '[
        "nftId": 405,
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            "postal": "87-100",
            "street": "Szeroka"
        "nftId": 406,
        "listingId": 4,
        "quantity": 3,
        "buyerUserId": 5,
        "buyerBillingData": {  
            "city": "Toruń",
            "country": "Poland",
            "postal": "87-100",
            "street": "Szeroka"

Example of the proper response with 200 OK status:

    "orders": [
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                        "priceCurrency": "EUR",
                        "priceType": "FIXED",
                        "downloadable": false,
                        "title": "WOMM",
                        "creatorId": 5,
                        "useCaseId": 11,
                        "upgradeable": false,
                        "tokenId": null,
                        "newTokenId": null,
                        "oldTokenId": null,
                        "status": "released",
                        "releaseAt": "2022-12-09T11:22:17.543Z",
                        "biddingEnabled": false,
                        "createdAt": "2022-12-09T11:22:17.543Z",
                        "updatedAt": "2022-12-09T12:55:09.001Z",
                        "deletedAt": null,
                        "fractionalized": true,
                        "redeemable": false,
                        "qrcodePrintfileId": null,
                        "salesContractUrl": null
                    "listing": {
                        "id": 4,
                        "priceCents": 1200,
                        "amount": 1,
                        "priceEths": "13.651116149384164",
                        "priceWei": "13651116149384164000",
                        "activeTill": null,
                        "active": true,
                        "type": "regular",
                        "txHash": null,
                        "priceCurrency": "EUR",
                        "sellerId": 5,
                        "nftId": 406,
                        "captureCronId": null,
                        "createdAt": "2022-12-09T12:55:08.986Z",
                        "updatedAt": "2022-12-09T12:55:08.986Z"
    "error": null

# Properties in POST request

  • nftId — Type number. ID of the NFT in our Instance. Lack of the property will throw 400 Bad Request,
  • listingId — Type number. ID of the NFT Listing (sale) in our Instance. Lack of the property will throw 400 Bad Request,
  • buyerUserId — Type number. ID of the User registered on our platform. Lack of the property or lack of the User with passed ID in our system will throw 400 Bad Request with proper error message,
  • quantity — Type number. Amount of the purchased product. Lack of the property will throw 400 Bad Request,
  • buyerBillingData — Type object. It contains 4 properties listed below. It's not required.
    • city — Type string. It's not required.
    • country — Type string. It's not required.
    • postal — Type string. It's not required.
    • street — Type string. It's not required.

# Billing Address behaviour

There are 2 options:

  • all buyerBillingData object properties are passed (city, country, postal, street) - we are using this data to create new Billing Address attached to the User with ID you passed in buyerUserId,
  • 1 or more above-mentioned properties are missing - we are trying to get the first Billing Address for the user with the given buyerUserId and use that data instead of the properties you passed. If we don't fint matching Billing Address it will throw 400 Bad Request error with proper message.